The global EAS IHHRM G23.0 certification exam is for the first time run and organized by Vietnamese people with the motto “we are pioneers so that your success can reach the world”.

EAS IHHRM G23.0 certificates are a testament to the real capital of leaders and staff, organizations that own certificates are completely different and more classy than just an academic degree.

We level up your leadership and strategic capital with our classy expert talent and local market understanding better than any foreign organization!

Real Effective
Globale Eas Ihhrm G23.0 Standa
Easy To Learn
Reduce Risk
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Global Member



Currently, in the world there are many standards on quality, model, management or personnel…

Following these standards, leaders and the system are completely passive in the management process because they do not really understand these standards! They are from Western countries applied to the management model in Vietnam. This is the limitation of these standards.

To overcome the above limitations, the EAS IHHRM G23.0 management competency certificates have inherited the quintessence of humanity but have scientificized, personalized those standards and upgraded them to global standards in the conditions and resources in Vietnam.

Global integration and competition force individuals and organizations to innovate and adapt sustainably. This is the reason why the EAS IHHRM G23.0 certificate was born as an inevitable part of modern management development.

Differences in language and culture will be a major barrier to accessing scientific advances of mankind. In addition, economies are different in terms of institutions and state models, which is a major challenge when applying Western governance models to Vietnam.

Faced with these challenges, scientists from EAS Vietnam and the Institute of Strategic Management and International Human Resources (SHRM Institute) have worked with domestic and foreign scientists to research, apply, verify and create the EAS IHHRM G23.0 management knowledge and capacity framework with 6 types of certificates from different levels for individuals:  Strategy Certificate (EAS SHIP G23.0) ;  Senior Leadership Certificate (EAS LIPA G23.0) ;  Middle Management Certificate (EAS MIMP G23.0 ) ;  International Human Resource Management Certificate (EAS IHRM G23.0) ; and  Essential Management Certificate (EAS FLIP G23.0) . For organizations that want to develop globally, they will apply the  EAS GOM G23.0 certificate.


The dream of global integration and development is a big dream of every administrator, business and government. However, with limited resources, tight finances, inadequate management infrastructure, and an education system that has not yet met the global labor market.

EAS IHHRM G23.0 certifications help to enhance the capacity, strategy, management and team building of organizations and businesses effectively globally right in Vietnam. EAS IHHRM G23.0 certifications are not only effectively applied to individuals at the strategic level, leaders, managers, human resource managers to the essential management foundation, but also to organizations with domestic and international markets. This certification is suitable for all management models, regardless of the leader’s professional qualifications or position, to implement this standard most effectively with global initiative and efficiency.

We will apply the progressive thinking of humanity, Vietnamese cultural identity and global models to integrate and develop with Vietnam’s resources and conditions, avoiding waste and increasing success efficiency.

EAS IHHRM G23.0 training Register for EAS IHHRM G23.0 Exam
Hoc Bong Lanh Dao


This is a serious and rigorous global management certification exam, so candidates need to be well prepared.

First, candidates need to carefully study the information of each certificate they intend to take to obtain the certificate. Conditions and requirements of each group of candidates and each type of certificate. In addition, it is necessary to carefully study the following information:

  • About knowledge
  • About the exam format
  • About the structure of the exam content
  • About the exam and certification process
  • About the value and application of each type of certificate


Depending on the dreams, abilities and development roadmap of each individual group to choose the appropriate exam registration certificate. It is necessary to understand correctly and do correctly to get effective results. We do not encourage candidates to participate in the exam for the sake of movement to avoid wasting resources.

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EAS Vietnam Global Organization Management Professional G23.0(EAS GOM G23.0)

Consulting and Registration Learn more
Eas Gom G23.0


The pool of potential candidates for each type of certification should be divided into the following groups:

  • The group of candidates who have just graduated from university, have just started working or the group of candidates who study in fields other than economics or engineering, technology, medicine, education… need to take the EAS Vietnam International Foundation Leadership Professional G23.0 certificate (EAS FLIP G23.0)  to expand the path to success and develop their future career.
  • For candidates who have worked or graduated with 2-3 years of working experience and have also worked as a manager, the EAS Vietnam International Middle Management Professional G23.0 Certificate (EAS MIMP G23.0)  will be the right choice because it will combine university knowledge, experience and management goals.
  • Candidates working in human resources and administrative departments with at least 2 years of experience, leaders who need human resource management knowledge to serve their leadership duties, should take the EAS Vietnam International Human Resource Management Professional G23.0 Certificate (EAS IHRM G23.0) .
  • Candidates who are leaders or candidates for leadership positions with a minimum working time of 5 years, of which at least 2 years are in a management position or equivalent, should register for the  EAS Vietnam International Advanced Leaders Professional G23.0 Certificate (EAS LIPA G23.0) .
  • The candidate group is leaders with 5 years of working experience who need to innovate strategies and improve management capital to succeed, then choose the EAS Vietnam International Higher Strategy Professional G23.0 certificate (EAS SHIP G23.0) .


To be granted the global EAS IHHRM G23.0 management competency certificate, candidates need to follow the process:

  1. Find out about the exam
  2. Register online for certification exam
  3. Get advice from experts
  4. Practice and practice exams
  5. Take the exam
  6. Waiting for results from the Council


The exam to grant EAS IHHRM G23.0 management competency certificates is researched and developed to assess the combination of knowledge, skills, management or leadership skills of candidates with 5 pillars of developing the capital of leaders or human resources of the organization. This is an exam that helps candidates accurately assess whether their own abilities are suitable for the position or field they are working or will work in.

The exams also focus on assessing thinking ability, behavior, skills or strategies to handle both systematic and non-systemic management situations to ensure that candidates who pass the exam will have enough capacity to take on the expected position or position to help develop their career or profession.


Multi-tasking, different global citizen

EAS IHHRM G23.0 develops world-class strategic thinking for global adaptation and integration.


Creating effective capital for individuals and organizations

EAS IHHRM G23.0 develops problem identification and detection capabilities.


Shaping the world through the G23.0 governance ecosystem

EAS IHHRM G23.0 has shaped the world in the digital and green era.


Pioneering, global, strategic leadership

EAS IHHRM G23.0 defines a model of high-caliber leadership and adaptive, effective strategy in the AI ​​era.


From mental strength to physical strength.  Self-respect and discipline.

EAS IHHRM G23.0 elevates values ​​and culture to promote talent – mind – virtue – health for happiness.

Exam content and structure

The exam structure will include questions researched and applied by the SHRM Institute and EAS Vietnam. This knowledge follows the exclusive standard EAS IHHRM G23.0 to comprehensively test the pillars of Capital of a great human resource with the weight of knowledge groups including:

  1. Thinking assessment: 25%
  2. Leadership and behavioral assessment: 25%
  3. Expertise Assessment: 20%
  4. Solution strategy evaluation: 20%
  5. Assessment of health management and development: 10%

The specific content of the questionnaire is researched and exclusively owned by EAS Vietnam and SHRM Institute, which is practical and applied, not theoretical, in which the scales are tested from applying independent management thinking, remembering and understanding situations, analyzing, applying, evaluating and creating systemic and non-systemic management solutions. In addition, the questionnaire also focuses on handling individualized situations (Case study) of management solutions.

Register for EAS IHHRM G23.0 EXAM Contact for consultation

News - events 


Le Minh Thao

Le Minh Thao

General Director at Bevpax Pty Ltd

At EAS Vietnam (ISHRM), I experienced the most rigorous training program according to international EAS IHHRM G23.0 standards, with the very enthusiastic and professional support of the members, especially the teaching methods. Unique and open teaching by Dr. Bui Phuong Viet Anh really changed my perception of traditional management.

Gyimah Akua

Gyimah Akua Attaa Awath

Ghana Ministry of Education & Training

Thank you EAS Vietnam (SHRM Institute) for giving me the opportunity to study operations management standard EAS IHHRM G23.0 for the first time, helping me gain competencies and manage my long-term career. Thanks to that, I have built effective educational programs for my homeland.

Ngoc Tung

Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Tung

Deputy Director Training of the Space Institute

The knowledge and skills of the program have helped me plan my path and career as a leader with the distinction and class that EAS Vietnam (SHRM Institute) has brought to us.